Training Data for Export

The Training Data for Export report displays demographic information and training history. You can use this report to export data from On Demand to another format. Training administrators can run this report to view all information associated with an employee's account.

Reports tab > Training > On Demand Training Data for Export

Report Parameters

Label Description
Date Range Displays the date range.
Begin Date Allows you to select the begin date of the date range.
End Date Allows you to select the end date of the date range.
Date to Use Allows you to select a date to use in the report. There are four date options: creation date, assignment date, completion date, and overdue date.
Training Allows you to select the training(s) to include in the report. All training is selected by default. You can select a single training by clicking Choose One.
Assignment Allows you to select the assignment(s) to include in the report. All assignments are selected by default. You can select a single assignment by clicking Choose One.
Employee Status Allows you to select the employee status type to report on. There are three status options: active and inactive, active, and inactive.
Level of Detail Allows you to select the level of detail of the report. There are four options:
  • Summary level. Displays the assignment start and end dates, whether the assignment is required, amount of time spent on the assignment, assignment status, and completed date for each assigned title.
  • Detail level: Displays assignment start and end dates, whether the assignment is required, amount of time spent on the assignment, assignment status, and completed date for each assigned title and training units.
  • Test Detail level. Displays number of attempts, test score, and test status, for each test users attempt.
  • Session Detail level: Displays the start time, end time, and duration for each time a training was taken.
Employee Status Allows you to select the employee status type to report on. There are three options: Active and inactive, Active, and Inactive.
Run Displays the report.
Cancel Returns user to the Reports screen.